Astrology of an era: Neptune in Pisces

What Neptune in Pisces means for the world and for you

As an outer planet, Neptune takes much longer to revolve around the Sun compared to the Earth and the inner planets. In terms of astrology, this means it remains in each sign for a long time, thus is it one of the generational markers like the other outer planets.

Neptune changing signs signals change of era

Neptune briefly dipped into its home sign of Pisces in 2011, moved retrograde back into Aquarius for six months, then returned to Pisces in February of 2012 where it will remain until 2026. What will this amplification of Neptune-Pisces energy mean? No planet or sign is exclusively good or bad, they can all be expressed in both positive and negative ways. Will Neptune in Pisces mean increased levels of addiction and religious fanaticism, blind following of false prophets or a rise in philanthropy and a transcending of differences? What direction will the children born during this era bring to the world?

Neptune is a planet of both dreams and delusions. When Neptune moves through a sign, it imparts a glow of enchantment to the areas that sign represents—Neptune through technology-oriented Aquarius in 1997 coincided with the rise of the internet as well as the explosion of other forms of personal technology. Neptune’s transit through Capricorn took place during the years when business and Wall St. were deified, when many people took seriously the movie line “Greed is good.”

How will Neptune through Pisces manifest in the world?

The energies represented by Pisces and Neptune relate to moving beyond the ego-self. This can mean blurring the sense of identity through alcohol or drugs or perceiving the oneness of all beings through meditation. Will we see more people turning to some form of chemically induced altered consciousness? Or will more people learn to shift their consciousness into a state of enhanced compassion for others?

Neptune, the planet named for the ruler of the seas, moving through water sign Pisces also seems to predict an especially watery time in some way. Perhaps there will be a greater focus on water resources or on water pollution and its effect on marine life or on the effects of the melting polar ice caps.

Its emphasis on the transpersonal means Pisces also rules institutions. What will be the influence of this 14 year period on prisons and hospitals? Will there be more people lost in the system? Or will the institutions become more humane?

Pisces-Neptune also has a strong connection to both psychic skills and to all forms of escapism from drugs to sleep. Will children born during the transit of Neptune through Pisces have a heightened ability to communicate telepathically? Or will they be more prone to narcolepsy or alcoholism?

On a personal level

To get a feeling for how the fourteen years of Neptune moving through Pisces may affect you personally, take a look at your chart. If you have the Sun or other personal planets in Pisces, your Piscean traits—both good and bad—may become more prominent. You may find previously hard to access talents in astral travel or music unlocked. Or you may find yourself drawn to follow a cult leader or ingest drugs more frequently.

Also take a look at which house cusp Pisces sits on in your chart. If, for example, Pisces rules your third house, you may find yourself living with a roommate whose idea of living room furniture is bongs and marijuana leaf posters, or you may find yourself writing about Piscean topics.


Astrology affects both the outer and the inner worlds. Its influence shows up in natural disasters and political changes as well as intimate relationship moments, career opportunities and the gradual shifts of personal growth. As you learn to think of the world in astrological terms, you develop a new dimension of awareness and begin to be able to sense subtle shifts of energy which take place as a planet changes signs or when a planet hits a key point on your own chart.  An astrology reading can help you deepen your sense of connection to the planetary shifts and their impact on you.

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